Naveen Kumar V

Beauty of Nature is joy for ever!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cap was missing and I was struggling....

No sleep...horrible journey....

I wanted to sleep well in the bus. I stretched my legs, Sat comfortably, wore a jacket to feel warm. The "Iravatha" bus was at its full speed. I fell asleep quickly.

Thanks to the horrible road condition, I woke up from sleep, wanted to quench my thirst. I sipped water from the bottle I carried. Then, I was trying to close its cap. The cap fell down under the seat. It rolled on like a ball. No idea where it stopped at last. It was dark. Everyone was sleeping. The person besides me was snoring!

I searched for it where ever I could with the light from my mobile phone, but ended up with more frustration.

The bottle with almost full water in it was in my hand without the cap. It was an AC bus without windows. So I could not even throw the bottle out. Possibility of dropping it under the seat was also ruled out as there was luggage kept by the passengers. I wouldn't have done so even if there was no luggage as it would be disturbance for many passengers. I didn’t want to be cursed!

Another option which came to my mind was to drink the water in it completely and making the bottle empty. But that will give scope for other problems I thought.
If I had done so, I would have to ask the driver to stop the bus frequently!!
I decided to talk to the bus conductor. He was sitting near the door almost in world of sleep. I told him about the problem with carefully held bottle in my hand. But he heard something else and uttered a few words about the drops near Puttur. No use talking to him I felt and returned to my seat.

I even tried talking to the driver. He was inside a closed area. I knocked the door to get his attention. But he never bothered to respond.

Catching hold of my open water bottle through out my journey was a challenge!